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best iron




This film is based on the works of Harun Yahya. For further information, please visit

-          (07:17)
-          (10:25)
-          (12:01)
-         IRON

Of all the metals, there is none more essential to life than iron… It was the drawing by gravity of iron atoms to the center of the primeval earth that generated the heat which caused the initial chemical differentiation of the earth, the outgassing of the early atmosphere, and ultimately the formation of the hydrosphere… (Michael Denton, Nature’s Destiny, The Free Press, New York, 1998, p. 198)

-          (15:38)
We sent Our Messengers with the Clear Signs and sent down the Book and the Balance with them so that mankind might establish justice. And We sent down iron in which there lies great force and which has many uses for mankind, so that God might know those who help Him and His Messengers in the Unseen. God is All-Strong, Almighty. (Surat al-Hadid, 25)

-          (17:18)

-         (18:33)
Our ability to handle fire is no trivial ability because it was only through the use of fire that technological advance was possible. Through fire came metallurgy and metal tools and eventually chemical knowledge. (Michael Denton, Nature’s Destiny, p. 242)
-         (21:18)
-         This film is based on the works of Harun Yahya. For further information, please visit
-          (22:32)
He Who produces fire for you from green trees so that you use them to light your fires. (Surah Ya Sin, 80)
-          (23:10)
The use of fire is of course dependent on additional environmental factors—on the availability of wood, for example, and relatively dry conditions. Unless these additional factors were also favorable, then despite all the physical and mental adaptations which makes us [human] and despite the fitness of the earth as an abode for carbon-based life, neither fire, metallurgy, chemistry, nor any scientific progress would have been possible. (Michael Denton, Nature’s Destiny, p. 245)
-          (25:44)
If you tried to number God’s blessings, you could never count them. God is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Surat an-Nahl, 18)
-         (27:20)
But although the journey was long… the evidence increasingly suggests that the end was never in doubt, that we followed a path already charted to an end foreseen and that our success was not in the least a matter of contingency. . . . we have been drawn along a predetermined path from the discovery of fire to the birth of science to the revelation of our own centrality in the order of nature. (Michael Denton, Nature’s Destiny, p. 395)
God is He Who created the heavens and the earth and sends down water from the sky and by it brings forth fruits as provision for you. He has made the ships subservient to you to run upon the sea by His command, and He has made the rivers subservient to you, and He has made the sun and moon subservient to you holding steady to their courses, and He has made the night and day subservient to you. He has given you everything you have asked Him for. If you tried to number God’s blessings, you could never count them. Man is indeed wrongdoing, ungrateful. (Surah Ibrahim, 32-34)



The discovery of reliable glass took place just when it was most needed: in the age of the motorised vehicle … In 1903, the French chemist Edouard Benedictus formed triple-layer glass by placing cellulose nitrate between two layers of glass. His discovery began to be employed in car windscreens in the 1920s and to be seriously reproduced in the automotive industry. (Focus Magazine, November 1998)

It is God Who has made the sea subservient to you so that the ships sail on it at His command, enabling you to seek His bounty, so that hopefully you will be thankful. And He has made everything in the heavens and everything on the earth subservient to you. It is all from Him. There are certainly Signs in that for people who reflect. (Surat al-Jathiyya, 12-13)


This film is based on the works of Harun Yahya. For further information, please visit


bst ironed



The early 1900s saw major advances in transport technology.
Mankind welcomed these advances, which made life so much easier, and quickly adapted to them.
Less than a century later, jets, high-speed trains and smart cars have all become part of our lives.
Journeys which used to take days are now but a matter of hours.
The advances in technology are not limited to modern means of transport. Technological possibilities in many fields, especially in health, information and communications, have assumed giant dimensions.
The technology which surrounds all aspects of our lives has made them easier and faster, and has therefore brought with it comfort and time-savings.
It is hard to say what else will change in our lives in another century.
For the moment being, we can only imagine what those years will be like …

PRESENTER: In many peoples’ view, the modern buildings they live in, the cars they drive, computers, televisions and all the other countless products of technology are entirely ‘man-made.’ The fact is, however, that if they think a little deeper and engage in a conscious examination they will see that there is a very important truth behind these advances: Technology is also an example of God’s blessings to mankind, and thanks must be given to Him for all these things. Let us now embark on that examination together and see why it is that technology is a blessing for which we must give thanks to God.

Let us consider the products of technology we use:
Cars, computers, televisions …
The ovens in our homes, the telephones we use …
All of these products are made of metals such as iron, copper, zinc and aluminum, and plastic, a by-product of oil.
In other words, if these raw materials, and particularly metals, did not exist on Earth, or if mankind lacked the means to make use of them, then we would be unable to speak of technology, which makes our lives so much easier, at all.
Technology comes about when man shapes the elements found on Earth in accordance with a specific aim.
Looking at just a few of these elements, we shall see what a miraculous structure these substances, with which we are so familiar, possess.
Heading the list of these comes an element which occupies a particularly important place in life as well as in technology: iron!
Iron is one of the most available elements on Earth and comprises some 5% of the Earth’s crust.
This element plays a major role in every stage of life, from the fundamental physical balances of the world we live in to our being able to make use of the air we breathe.
In his book Nature’s Destiny, which has provoked enormous interest, the famous Australian molecular biologist Michael Denton describes how the laws of nature and elements in the universe are specially tailored for human life. With respect to iron, he writes:
Of all the metals, there is none more essential to life than iron… It was the drawing by gravity of iron atoms to the center of the primeval earth, that generated the heat which caused the initial chemical differentiation of the earth, the outgassing of the early atmosphere, and ultimately the formation of the hydrosphere… (Michael Denton, Nature’s Destiny, The Free Press, New York, 1998, p. 198).
Iron is also of particular importance to our respiratory systems.
This substance forms a compound with oxygen in the hemoglobin in human blood. This keeps the exceedingly combustive oxygen atoms under control.
Iron directs oxygen, a most valuable source of energy, to the cell’s respiratory mechanism. In other words, even our breathing is made possible by iron.
What if there were no iron atoms?
In that event, life would not be possible and the planet we live on would become unable to sustain life.
Were there no iron, the primitive Earth would not have warmed up, and the atmosphere and hydrosphere would not have formed.
The magnetic field which protects the Earth from meteors would not have formed, and there would be no radiation belts or ozone layer.
The Earth would be a dead planet.
Iron is also the most important material basis of the civilizations established by human beings.
That is because industry exists thanks to iron, and steel is made by iron combining with carbon.
All of the products of advanced technology, which make our lives so much easier and so improve the quality of life, are reflections of industry.
Were there no iron, then the level of technology on Earth would be no higher than simple wooden tools.

PRESENTER: All this shows that the existence of the element known as iron, and its presence in large quantities on Earth, is a major blessing for which we must give thanks to God. Indeed, God draws attention to this fact in the Qur’an. In the Surat al-Hadid, or “Iron,” He reveals:
We sent Our Messengers with the Clear Signs and sent down the Book and the Balance with them so that mankind might establish justice. And We sent down iron in which there lies great force and which has many uses for mankind, so that God might know those who help Him and His Messengers in the Unseen. God is All-Strong, Almighty. (Surat al-Hadid, 25)

PRESENTER: Iron, in which there lies great force and which has many uses for mankind, is one of the most important blessings which allow mankind to make technological progress. Therefore, everything made from iron and steel once again reminds us of the compassion of God.

The buildings, cars, airplanes, railways and skyscrapers on Earth may appear to be man-made. In fact, however, they only exist because God has created iron and placed it in the Earth.

There are signs of God’s creation in every one of the elements which comprise technology. One of these elements is metallurgy, in other words the production and purification of metals.
Metallurgy is the starting point for technology. The existence of suitable metals and the means whereby human beings can melt and shape these metals are therefore essential to it.
The first of these means is fire.
It is thanks to fire that man is able to melt metals.
Metals are the only natural conductors of electricity.
The electronics industry is thus a result of the existence of fire. Michael Denton says the following on this subject:
Our ability to handle fire is no trivial ability because it was only through the use of fire that technological advance was possible. Through fire came metallurgy and metal tools and eventually chemical knowledge. (Michael Denton, Nature’s Destiny, p. 242).
Fire begins with the ignition of combustible objects. It is the carbon it contains which allows an object to burn. When carbon and oxygen react they release large quantities of heat, which we see and feel as flame.

PRESENTER: However, there is an interesting point here: Some 20% of the Earth’s atmosphere consists of oxygen. Carbon is found in all living things, including our own bodies. In other words, the materials for fire exist side by side all over the world.
So why is that they do not immediately react together? Why do our bodies and all other organisms not suddenly burst into flames? The answer lies in the astonishing properties of fire.

The chemical properties of oxygen and carbon have been so carefully arranged that they only react together and give rise to fire at very high temperatures. For that reason, a high temperature is essential for fire to appear.
Someone trying to make fire by rubbing sticks together is actually raising the temperature by means of friction.
In striking a match you have to heat it in a moment by rubbing the head against a rough surface.
If carbon and oxygen had a rather higher tendency to react together, people, trees and animals would suddenly catch fire when the air temperature went up. That would become almost an everyday phenomenon.
For example, this plant living in the desert could suddenly burst into flames like a tinder box when the air temperature reached its highest level in the middle of the day.
That, of course, would make it difficult to speak of life on Earth at all.
If oxygen and carbon required even greater heat in order to react than they actually do, then people would be unable to make fire at all.
Fire would be a mythical form of energy which only emerged when lightning struck a forest.

PRESENTER: In short, the properties of oxygen and carbon have been created with such sensitive balances that they are in the best possible form for being used and kept under control.
What human beings call “the discovery of fire” is actually fire being placed at the service of mankind by God. God draws attention to this fact in the Qur’an and reveals that fire has been specially created:

He Who produces fire for you from green trees so that you use them to light your fires. (Surah Ya Sin, 80)
The Earth we live on is a perfect environment for making fire. And this specially created environment is the starting point for the technology we possess today. Denton also refers to the environmental factors in the use of fire:
The use of fire is of course dependent on additional environmental factors—on the availability of wood, for example, and relatively dry conditions. Unless these additional factors were also favorable, then despite all the physical and mental adaptations which makes us [human] and despite the fitness of the earth as an abode for carbon-based life, neither fire, metallurgy, chemistry, nor any scientific progress would have been possible. (Michael Denton, Nature’s Destiny, p. 245).
Indeed, human beings’ physical structure, in other words their hands, arms, ability to move and sense of sight, are ideally suited to being able to use fire.
God has created the human body with a perfection allowing it to meet all its needs.
He has also given human beings a brain, and thus the intelligence and skill, with which to use fire.
For instance, we could have come into the world without arms. In that event it would have been impossible for us to make fire and shape metals, and therefore to develop technology.
Or our intelligence level could have been much lower, and we could have lacked the awareness with which to understand and shape the world around us. In that event, we could not even have described our technological needs.
Yet God has given us intellect with which to think, five marvelous senses with which to perceive the world, and a body with which to meet our needs in the best possible manner. It is thanks to these that we are able to take advantage of His blessings, found civilizations and develop technology.
All these are blessings from God. We are reminded of the endless nature of these blessings in a verse from the Qur’an:
If you tried to number God’s blessings, you could never count them. God is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Surat an-Nahl, 18)
As well as the fact that fire can be made and kept under control in the world, it also possesses another feature which supports metallurgy:
All the metals in the world, and especially iron, melt and become liquid at a temperature which fire is capable of achieving.
For instance, a temperature of 1530 degrees is necessary to melt iron, and that can only be achieved by a powerful fire.
Were even higher temperatures to be needed to melt iron, then no fuel in the world could achieve them, for which reason metallurgy would again be impossible.
In that case, of course, there could be no technological progress and civilizations could not be established.
After briefly summarizing mankind’s scientific development, Denton makes the following comment:
But although the journey was long… the evidence increasingly suggests that the end was never in doubt, that we followed a path already charted to an end foreseen and that our success was not in the least a matter of contingency… we have been drawn along a predetermined path from the discovery of fire to the birth of science to the revelation of our own centrality in the order of nature. (Michael Denton, Nature’s Destiny, p. 395)

PRESENTER: The truth expressed by professor of Biochemistry Michael Denton in scientific terminology is the truth learned from the Qur’an by every believer: God created the world for human life, placed all that exists on Earth at “the service of mankind” and enriched it with a variety of blessings. As God reveals in the verses of the Qur’an:
God is He Who created the heavens and the earth and sends down water from the sky and by it brings forth fruits as provision for you. He has made the ships subservient to you to run upon the sea by His command, and He has made the rivers subservient to you, and He has made the sun and moon subservient to you holding steady to their courses, and He has made the night and day subservient to you. He has given you everything you have asked Him for. If you tried to number God’s blessings, you could never count them. Man is indeed wrongdoing, ungrateful. (Surah Ibrahim, 32-34).
What we refer to as the “marvel of technology” is actually the blessings created for man by God.
All of these technological devices are specially created by God and made of materials He places at our disposal.
Human beings shape these materials by using the body, senses, intellect and “innovative capacity” He gave them.

One substance we use together with technology occupies a particularly important place in our lives, and what is more, it is an incomparable substance: glass!
From the time it was first discovered to the present day, the varieties of glass have constantly increased, and as its range of uses has broadened it has become an indispensable consumer commodity.
This important substance is used in the construction, automotive, drinks, food, pharmaceutical, electrical, electronic and a great many other sectors.
Glass occupies a state between solid and liquid. Silicon, in other words, sand atoms, combine in an irregular manner with calcium, potassium, magnesium and sodium atoms. Glass emerges as a result of this “irregularity.”
The reason why glass is so widely used is its superior properties. It does not rust. It is waterproof and transparent. Glass is highly resistant to the effects of substances in liquid, solid or gas form which come in contact with it. This is known as “chemical resistance.”
Furthermore, the chemical resistance of glass is an adjustable property. The height of the alkali level in glass lowers that resistance, and boron oxide, aluminum oxide, zinc oxide and zirconium oxide raise it.
Thanks to this property, a great many corrosive and destructive chemicals can be stored in glass containers.
The mechanical properties of glass are also miraculous. A number of special methods can be employed to raise its resistance to very high levels.
Toughened glass is remarkably resistant. Not even kicks or blows from a hammer can break it. In addition, glass can be made stronger still by adding another chemical between two layers of glass.
The interesting thing is that this method was discovered right at the beginning of the automobile age.
The discovery of reliable glass took place just when it was most needed: in the age of the motorized vehicle … In 1903, the French chemist Edouard Benedictus formed triple-layer glass by placing cellulose nitrate between two layers of glass. His discovery began to be employed in car windscreens in the 1920s and to be seriously reproduced in the automotive industry. (Focus Magazine, November 1998)

PRESENTER: Glass has yet another important property, one which makes it so important in our lives. Its raw materials are plentiful and easy to find.
Had God so wished, those raw materials could have been as rare as gold or diamonds. In that event, we would have been unable to make as much use of it as we do.
Just like iron and fire, glass has also been created for human beings and placed at their disposal.

The products of technology occupy a wide place in our lives today, make our work easier and widen our habitats.
We can now accomplish a great deal more work in a great deal less time.
We can travel great distances in a short space of time.
Present-day technology is of course a product of the levels which human intelligence and ability have reached.
However, there is one fact which must never be forgotten: it is God, the Lord of all the Worlds, Who gives mankind these materials essential to the production of technology, and most important of all, the intelligence and ability to make use of them.
Every person aware of this truth must know that all the products of technology are, in fact, blessings from God.
Most important of all, he must give thanks by using them in such a way as to earn God’s good pleasure.
In the verses of the Qur’an, God reveals that the Earth and the whole universe have been specially created for mankind:
It is God Who has made the sea subservient to you so that the ships sail on it at His command, enabling you to seek His bounty, so that hopefully you will be thankful. And He has made everything in the heavens and everything on the earth subservient to you. It is all from Him. There are certainly Signs in that for people who reflect. (Surat al-Jathiyya, 12-13)



KompasOtomotif - PT Yamaha Indonesia Motor Manufacturing (YIMM) kembali menarik undian "Miliyarder Yamaha Mio Kejutan 3 in 1" di DDS Yamaha Jakarta, Cempaka Putih, Sabtu (21/1/2012). Dalam penarikan undian ini, Esmiati Nasution, 55, pedagang sayur asal Tapanuli Selatan, Medan terpilih menjadi meliader.

Esmiati merupakan salah satu konsumen yang membeli Mio Sporty dan Mio CW periode 1 hingga 31 Desember 2011. Indra Dwi Sunda, PR Corporate & Communication Head Yamaha Indonesia mengatakan, acara ini merupakan edisi terakhir program Miliyarder Mio. "Acara ini merupakan apresiasi dan bentuk terima kasih Yamaha pada konsumen. Selanjutnya, Yamaha siap menyambut generasi baru Mio," beber Indra dalam keterangan resmi yang diterima KompasOtomotif, Minggu (1/2/2012).

Kepada Yamaha, Esmiati mengaku sangat senang akan kemenanganya itu. "”Bahagia banget. Saya beli Mio CW untuk ikut undian ini. Saya memang pengguna Yamaha sejak lama, dulu punya RX King. Uang ini akan saya gunakan untuk naik haji, bangun rumah dan perayaan 40 tahun meninggalnya ayah saya,” ujar ibu 3-anak itu.




Pak Lurah   : Assalamualaikum ... Nyuwun sekedek wektune marang pemuka masyarakat deso rejomulyo, kulo selaku lurah ten deso niki sengaja ngumpulake ibu-ibu sedoyo kagunggan bahas rencana kita nganaaken perbaikan dalan ten deso niki.
Bu RT         : Pripun pak Lurah napa wanten dana bantuan sangking pemerintah kangge rencana kita nganaaken perbaikan dalan kanggo deso rejomulyo niki tepate pun ten RT: 03 RW: 03.
Bu RW        : Enggeh pak? Dalan ten mriku sampun mboten sae kangge di ambah warga... Amargi dalana sampun rusak parah.
Warga           : Sedoyo warga pun nggeh pada ngangkluh menawi lewat ten dalan mriku pak.
Pak Lurah     : Nggeh... Ibu-ibu sedaya mulane saniki kula bade nyampeaken amanat sangking pemerintah. Niki wonten sekedek dana sangking pemerintah kangge perbaikan dalan, pemerintah maringi dana segedenipun Rp. 5.000.000,00.
Bu RT        : Alhamdulillah.. Sanget newonten dana bantuan sangking pemerintah. Tapi topo cukup pak, arto semonten kangge perbaikan dalan, dalane mawon sampun parah sanget rusake.
Warga       : Pripun nek mangkeh pipendetke arto tambahan sangking kas.e warga pak.
Bu RW        : Kula wonten usul pak.. Pripun nek di suwunke iuran langsung, sangking warga mawon.
Bu RT           : Nek ngoten topo mboten malah mbebanke para warga tha pak.
Pak Lurah   :  Ngenten ibu-ibu sedaya... Nek kita nyuwun iuran langsung sangking warga, sedaya warga pasti pada keberatan, toh malah mangkeh kita nyusahke para warga. Niki mawon napa... Kita pendetke arto tambahan sangking kas mawon, artone kas digunake kanggo keperluan koyo ngonten niki, kan niki nggeh kangge kebaikan warga juga. Pripun ibu-ibu sedaya?
BU RW      : Nggeh mekaten niku mawon napa pak ? Pak RT, cobi kas.e warga sampun angsal pinten.



Pertama tama sebelum menulis catatan ini saya awali dulu dengan salam :D
         Assalamualaikum wr wb ..
      Sebetulnya aku hanya iseng aja bikin catatan ini haha ! paling ya bagi kalian gag penting , tapi bagi ku penting hoho ^^ karena di dalam catatan ini banyak kenangan yang terjadi antara aku dan dia :) sebut saja pip0oefri :D [dia sndiri yang minta di panggil pip0oefri haha v :D] kalo mau baca catatan ini ya tinggal baca , tapi kalo gag ya gaga usah di baca !
       26 Mei 201?WOW .. gag kerasa ternyata sudaa 1 tahun aku kenal sama pip0oefri :D haha
1 tahun bukan lah waktu yang singkat atau waktu yang lama buat ku :) bagiku 1 tahun adalah waktu yang sangat indah dalam hidup ku :') . Dalam 1 tahun yang lalu semua kenangan masih aku simpan baik baik di dalam memoriku haha :D (memori jaree) ahahay ..
        Kenangan yang gak mungkin terlupakan tu waktu aku sama pip0oefri saling mengungkap kan perasaan ahahay :D trus waktu dia minta nomor hape ku :) trus waktu kita berdua memutuskan untuk menjalin hubungan tanpa statusy ya bisa di bilang lah hahaseg :p trus waktu kita teleponan pip0oefri minta di lagunya afgan :D yang Bawalah Cintaku :) yawda deh akhirnya tag ... Jujur ajah ya ... (?)  baru kali ini lho aku anak cowok  haha tapi gapapa lah sekali sekali buat pengalaman wkwkwk lagian kan juga buad pip0oefri :* ihiiy ~
Satu lagi kenangan yang gabisa tag lupain (!) yaitu tanggal 11 April 2011 hari Sabtu jam 18.23 WIB (haha lengkap) !! pada waktu itu dia minta bubaran huahuhu :'( entah kenapa dia kok minta bubaran u,u :'( sakit banget hatiku ! hal yang paling tag benci malah terjadi hash faaakk :@ !! tapi gapapa lah mencoba melepaskan nya walau gak rela haha :') mungki ini yang terbaik buad aku sama pip0oefri :')
       Dalam 1 tahun ini aku gak pernah nyesel kenal sama pip0oefri :D justru beruntung aku bisa mengenalnya ahahay :) Banyak kenangan indah yang kita lalui walau cuman + teleponan + haha :D Walau sekarang kita hanya berteman :) tapi aku gabisa ngilangin kebiasaan ku  ESEMES dia tiap hari :D kalo gag sms dia tu rasa.ya endaenak (ada yang ganjel hahaha :p) trus kadang kalo aku sama dia sampe malem menjelang tidur tidak lupa kata kataku " dadaamuah" haha :D ( jujur banget toh aku :p haha )
       Semenjak pertama kali aku kenal sama dia sifatnya tu baeg , gag judes , gag cuek , perhatian de el el ,, tapi setelah kenal sama dia lebih lama sifatnya mulai brubah ke aku u,u :( kalo baeg nya tetep hehe , tambah judes , tambah cuek , gak perhatian wes pokok.e gitulah hhaha :D [ maaf kalo sedikit nyindir :p ]
haha walaupun cuek judes aku tetep gaperna nyesel kenal sama pip0oefri :') ya mudah mudahan setelah dia baca catatan ini bisa brubah kayak dulu lagi haha :D :D
                Pesan buad pip0oefri haha :d
~> walaupun kita udah gag lagi tapi bukan hal yang mudah buad nglupain pip0oefri haha :*
~> Jangan Mimo0zima :D
Mungkin catatan ini gag jelas haha aku cuman mau nunjukin kalo aku masih inget semua kenangan kita + aku juga masih sayang Pip0oefri :') hehe ..
        Sampe di sini dulu ya .. maaf kalo ada yang salah ketik haha :D dadaa :* SEKIAN dan TERIMAKASEH :p HAHAHA
                                                                                                        Wassalamualaikum wr wb ...
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Gaya dan penerapannya
A. Pengertian Gaya
Pernahkah kamu bermain ayunan? Bagaimanakah usahamu agar ayunan dapat berayun tinggi? Tentu kamu harus menggerakkan kaki dan badan sehingga ayunan dapat melayang semakin tinggi. Gerakan kaki dan badanmu adalah usaha dalam memberikan dorongan atau tarikan pada ayunan agar tetap berayun.

Ketika kamu menarik buku dan mendorong pensil di atas mejamu, ternyata buku dan pensil bergerak atau berpindah tempat. Begitu pula ketika kamu menarik kedua ujung penggarismu, tarikan mengubah bentuk penggaris menjadi melengkung. Tarikan dan dorongan yang kamu berikan pada benda disebut gaya. Apakah gaya yang kamu berikan memiliki arah? Tentu, gaya memiliki arah. Ketika kamu mendorong ke depan, benda pun akan bergerak ke depan. Jadi, gaya dapat dikatakan sebagai tarikan atau dorongan.

Gaya dapat menyebabkan sebuah benda berubah bentuk, berubah posisi, berubah kecepatan, berubah panjang atau volume, dan juga berubah arah. Sebuah gaya disimbolkan dengan huruf F singkatan dari Force. Satuan gaya dalam Satuan Internasional (SI) adalah Newton (N) yang merupakan penghormatan bagi seorang ilmuwan Fisika Inggris bernama Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727).

B. Jenis-Jenis Gaya
Tuhan telah memberikan anugerah kepada kamu berupa otot sehingga setiap saat kamu dapat melakukan kerja. Misalnya mandi, makan, menulis, minum, atau mengangkat benda-benda. Semua kegiatan tersebut kamu lakukan dengan memberi tarikan dan dorongan pada benda-benda itu sehingga dapat berubah bentuk, kecepatan, panjang, atau arah. Ketika kamu mendorong sebuah mobil, kamu telah memberikan gaya. Dorongan tersebut menyebabkan mobil dapat bergerak dan berpindah tempat.

Gaya dibedakan menjadi dua jenis, yaitu gaya yang bekerja melalui sentuhan langsung dan gaya yang bekerja tidak melalui sentuhan langsung. Gaya yang bekerja melalui sentuhan langsung disebut gaya sentuh, sedangkan gaya yang bekerja tidak melalui sentuhan langsung disebut gaya tak sentuh. Adapun pengaruh gaya pada benda, antara lain dapat menggerakkan benda serta mengubah bentuk, kecepatan, dan arah gerak benda.

C. Mengukur Gaya
Ketika kamu memberikan tarikan atau dorongan pada sebuah benda, tentu kamu tidak tahu seberapa besar tarikan atau dorongan yang kamu berikan. Untuk dapat mengetahui besar gaya yang kamu berikan, diperlukan suatu alat ukur. Alat ukur gaya yang paling sederhana dan dapat mengukur secara langsung adalah neraca pegas (dinamometer).

D. Penjumlahan Gaya dan Pengaruhnya pada Benda

Apakah gaya memiliki arah? Coba kamu jatuhkan sebuah benda. Apakah yang terjadi? Ke arah manakah benda tersebut jatuh? Tariklah sebuah benda di mejamu. Ke manakah benda itu bergerak? Coba belokkan arah tarikanmu. Apakah arah gerak benda juga mengikuti gaya tariknya? Dari contoh tersebut, kamu dapat menyimpulkan bahwa gaya termasuk besaran yang memiliki nilai dan arah yang kamu kenal dengan besaran vektor. Sebuah besaran gaya dapat digambarkan dengan sebuah anak panah.

E. Gaya Gesek
Alangkah menyenangkan apabila kamu ke sekolah naik sepeda. Selain hemat biaya, kamu juga sehat karena berolah raga. Tetapi, kamu harus hati-hati karena banyak kendaraan di jalan raya. Ketika kamu sampai ke sekolah, tentu kamu akan menarik rem tangan agar sepeda tersebut dapat berjalan perlahan, lalu akhirnya berhenti.

Mengapa ketika kamu menarik rem, sepedamu dapat berhenti? Tentu ada tarikan atau dorongan yang berlawanan dengan arah gerakmu sehingga sepedamu berhenti. Di manakah itu terjadi? Ternyata, dorongan atau tarikan itu terjadi sebagai hasil gesekan antara karet rem dan pelek pada roda sepeda yang bergesekan. Gaya seperti ini disebut gaya gesek. Gaya gesek termasuk gaya sentuh karena hasil persentuhan langsung dua permukaan yang bergesekan.

Gaya gesek terjadi akibat dua permukaan benda saling bergesekan. Arah gaya gesek selalu melawan kecenderungan geraknya. Arah gaya gesek melawan gaya tariknya. Besarnya gaya gesek akan selalu sama dengan gaya tariknya ketika benda belum bergerak.

Gaya gesek tersebut dinamakan dengan gaya gesek statis. Jika kamu menarik dengan gaya 10 N dan balok tepat akan bergerak, besar gaya gesek adalah 10 N dan disebut dengan gaya gesek statis maksimum. Ketika kamu menariknya dengan gaya 6 N dan balok belum bergerak, besarnya gaya gesek statis adalah 6 N (belum mencapai maksimal).

1. Mengurangi Gaya Gesek

Besarnya gaya gesek bergantung pada kekasaran permukaan benda yang bergesekan. Semakin kasar permukaan yang bergesekan, semakin besar pula gaya gesek nya. Itulah yang menyebabkan kamu harus memakai alas sepatu yang bergerigi agar kamu dapat berjalan dengan mantap. Gaya gesek pun dapat terjadi di udara dan di air. Keadaan inilah yang membuat motor boat atau pesawat terbang selalu dirancang runcing di bagian depannya. Hal tersebut dilakukan untuk mengurangi gaya gesek air atau udara.

Pernahkah kamu berpikir mengapa sepedamu atau mobilmu menggunakan roda? Apakah manfaatnya? Perkembangan ilmu dan teknologi sedikit demi sedikit telah membantu manusia untuk mengetahui bagaimana cara mempermudah usaha. Salah satunya adalah memperkecil gaya gesek dengan menggunakan roda. Pada pekembangannya roda terbuat dari batu, lalu kayu sampai akhirnya terbuat dari ban karet pada zaman sekarang.

2. Gaya Gesek yang Menguntungkan dan Merugikan
Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari kamu tentu mengenal bahwa gaya gesek ada yang menguntungkan dan ada pula yang merugikan. Menguntungkan dan merugikannya gaya gesek bergantung pada keadaan. Misalnya, apabila kamu sedang berjalan, kamu tentu memilih permukaan yang kasar. Mengapa? Karena kamu akan kesulitan apabila berjalan di jalan yang licin. Dalam kejadian ini, gaya gesek menguntungkan bagi manusia. Mengapa ban mobil dibuat bergerigi? Tentu hal ini dibuat supaya mobil dapat bergerak dengan baik. Pada kejadian ini pun gaya gesek sangat menguntungkan. Namun, apabila jalannya terlalu kasar, ban mobil akan cepat habis sehingga hal ini merugikan secara ekonomi.

Roda gigi sepedamu harus terus dipelihara dengan cara memberinya pelumas. 







Alat-alat musik Penunjang Perkembangan Musik Indonesia
Sejarah Musik Indonesia dalam percaturan Internasional dimulai dari masuknya agama Kristen di Indonesia sekitar 450 tahun yang lalu dimana penyebarannya dimulai dari Sumatera Utara. Jauh setelah itu barulah agama Kristen masuk dan berkembang dengan kukuh, justru dari Halmahera. Tidaklah mengherankan apabila musik-musik gerejani tumbuh dengan baik disekitar daerah perintis tersebut.

Tetapi perdagangan para Gujarat dan pertemuan dengan Tiongkok ternyata membuahkan pertemuan kebudayaan tersendiri yang menyangkut pula bidang seni musik. Bersamaan dengan masuknya Islam di Indonesia, masuk pula unsur kebudayaan Islam beserta seni musiknya.

Bangsa Portugis, bangsa Inggris dan bangsa Belanda telah pula membawa pengaruh kebudayaan, termasuk didalamnya pengetahuan dan peralatan musik.

Disamping itu, alat musik tradisional berkembang dengan baik di Indonesia,terutama di pulau Jawa yang telah mengenal dan mengembangkan tangga nada Pentatonik Khas Jawa-Bali yang tidak terdapat dinegara lain. Kisah Ramayana yang datang dari pengaruh Hindu di Jawa-Bali menjadi legenda pewayangan disamping kisah Mahabharata yang penampilannya selalu diiringi dengan seperangkat alat musik Gamelan.

Alat Musik dari bangsa dan kebudayaan pendatang :
  1. Gitar, Ukulele, Hawaian-Gitar.
  2. Violine, Viola, Violoncello, Contra-Bass.
  3. Trumpet dan alat tiup logam lainnya.
  4. Flute (Querflote) dan Ficcolo.
  5. Clarinet dan alat tiup kayu lainnya.
  6. Hatong (Cirebon) sejenis Pan-Pipe dari Tiongkok.
  7. Keladi (Kalimantan) sejenis alat musik Sheng dari Tiongkok.
  8. Terbang, Tambourine, Rebana dari pengaruh Islam.
  9. Dll.
Gamelan sebagai alat musik tradisional Indonesia :
  1. Alat musik berdawai/bersenar,Tali gesek : Rebab, Tali petik selempung, kecapi.
  2. Alat musik tiup-Seruling dan Sronen.
  3. Alat musik pukul - Membranophone - Kendang, Beduk, Terbang.
  4. lat musik pukul kayu - Gambang dan Calung.
  5. Alat musik pikul logam - Saron, Bonang, Gong,Gender dsb.





